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Information & Policies for Parents

Hours of Operation

My family childcare/preschool hours are Monday through Thursday 7 am until 5:30 p.m. If you are going to be late picking up your child please let me know in advance so I may plan accordingly


Pick up

If anyone other than the parent or legal guardian is picking up your child, I must be notified ahead of time. If at all possible, I would like to meet them prior to this occurring. I will also require proof of identity at the time of pick up.


Progress Reports

Progress reports are provided twice a year for all children.


Discipline Policy

I practice a preventative, not punitive, policy when it comes to discipline. A child may be removed from the play group for a short cooling off period. No verbal or physical abuse is ever used in my childcare center. Time out sitting in a chair is used for hitting or for generally hurting another child. If a child repeatedly bites other children further action may need to be taken for this child. I also use lots of redirection. If I see a situation that could possibly turn into a struggle between two children I step in and show the child another toy or activity.


Potty Training

I will assist in potty training your child over the age of two (2). Please provide pull-ups until he/she has gone three consecutive days without an accident.


Please provide your child with a complete set of clothes to be left at school. Please send your child with appropriate attire for the season (i.e. swimsuits in the summer, boots and snowsuit in the winter). Newborns must arrive with diapers and appropriate formula. We try to spend as much time as possible outside so please dress your child for outdoor play. Please also pack a lunch and 2 snacks and breakfast if your child will be arriving for early care.​



I provide care for children ages infant through five (5) years. Each year you will be asked to sign a contract for the following twelve months. If you cut hours drastically from one year to the next, there will be a possibility that the contract will not be renewed. I do not provide childcare for under 24 hours per week. If we mutually agree to fewer than 24 hours of care, I will have to charge babysitting rates instead of childcare rates.

School Details

Health & Safety Practices

Safety is Cove Childcare/Preschool’s top priority. In order for a family childcare center to be successful, the health and safety of the children need to be of utmost importance. Cleanliness and sterilization are extremely important to me, I follow guidelines set by the Department of Early Education and Care (DEEC). This section explains the steps I take in order to keep a safe environment for the children.

Health & Safety

General Safety

My home is kept clean to the best of my ability. The kitchen floor and bathroom are cleaned daily. I have emergency numbers posted near each phone. A First Aid Kit is accessible at all times and contains basic medical supplies, as well as each child’s Emergency Card. This goes wherever the children go. Unused electrical outlets are covered, and kitchen cabinets are locked up.



Cove Childcare/Preschool’s premises are covered by liability insurance.


Medical Emergencies

9-1-1 will be called immediately in the event of a medical emergency. The parents will be called next, followed by my emergence back-up person. If the parents cannot be reached the child’s emergency contact will be called.


Accidents and Injuries

First Aid will be administered as soon as possible to any child needing care. Parents will be notified and the accident will be recorded in the Accident Log. Serious accidents will be reported to the Department of Early Education and Care.


Fire Drills

Practice drill will be conducted at least once a month and recorded in the Fire Drill Log. My home has five (5) working smoke detectors and two (2) carbon monoxide detectors which are all tested regularly.


Emergency plans

I have developed plans in the event of an emergency situation. I also have an Emergency Kit which includes a flashlight, portable radio, extra batteries, a first aid kit and all of the children’s Emergency Cards. This kit will be kept close in all emergencies as well as my cell phone. I will make every effort possible to notify you promptly of any dangerous situation.



Toys will be cleaned once a week or more if needed. The diapering area and potty chairs will be cleaned after each use.



Infants will be put to sleep on their backs and monitored closely throughout the duration of their naps. Sleep times and patterns will be logged. Children under twelve months old will not be allowed to sleep with pillows, comforters, stuffed animals or anything else soft or padded.​

Hand Washing

Hands will be washed after bathroom use, diapering, outdoor play, using a tissue, messy projects, handling a sick child, and before and after meals.


Illness and Fevers

  • If your child is sick with anything more than a cold please keep him or her at home.

  • If your child has a fever of over 100 degrees he or she should be kept home.

  • If your child has conjunctivitis, diarrhea (4 or more times) or strep throat they should remain at home for at least 24 hours from the point of diagnosis and beginning their first dose of antibiotics.


As you know, it is difficult to set a hard and fast rule about when a child is too sick to attend school but please use your best judgment and try to adhere to the above list. Additional concerns will be handled on an individual basis (i.e. head lice). When a child is sick they deserve our undivided attention and, unfortunately, I am unable to give that while meeting the needs of my other students as well. If your child does become sick while at childcare, please make arrangements to have her/him picked up within one (1) hour.


Cove Childcare/Preschool Medication Administration Policy

Written parental consent is needed in order to administer any medications.


Prescription medications: all prescription medications must be in the original containers and clearly labeled with the child’s full name and the date the prescription was filled.


Over the counter medications: the following classifications can be given with parental consent. The dose, duration and method of administration specified on the manufacturers label for the age and weight of the child will be followed.

  • Antihistamines

  • Non-aspirin fever reducers

  • Non-aspirin pain relievers

  • Decongestants

  • Anti-itching ointments or lotions

  • Diaper ointments or powders

  • Sunscreen

  • Lip moisturizer

  • Bug spray

Cove Childcare/Preschool is Eco-Healthy!

I run an Eco-Healthy childcare facility. EHCC is a national program created by the Oregon Environmental Council to ensure that childcare settings are as environmentally healthy as possible. This includes reducing children’s exposure to toxins and other environmental health hazards. I am committed to the education and awareness of eco-friendly practices that will benefit the health and well-being of all children in my care, as well as the environment. Please visit for more information on steps I follow to maintain my Eco-Healthy certification.


Andrea gives the children the freedom to explore in a safe, healthy, and loving environment. I never worry about my son during the day.

— Bethany

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